Saturday, November 7, 2009

Giving Thanks

Shay responded very well last night to being off the bypass machine so well in fact that they are taking the rest of the equipment off this morning (they had left all the tubes in place in case they had to go back in). Shay looks very good this morning. The nurses said that he had an "awesome" night. They are actually going to take a shot at closing him up today (this may or may not happen). Although we are very conscious about the existing complications in Shay's body right now this is the first time that we have felt the confidence that he is going to pull through this.

As we have met with more and more doctors and nurses we have learned about how lucky Shay was even to make it to the hospital. Shay arrived here with congestive heart failure and his body was septic meaning all his organs were under attack by the toxins in his blood stream. In the words of Shay's mom "it just hit me but these doctors have literally been bringing my son back from the dead." Shay is here because he is tough kid but there is more to it that I fill compelled to share that with you.

Shay is here because of the healing power of Jesus Christ. It is 2009 but God is still performing miracles. There are two specific accounts I want to tell you about. First of all on Monday night we were losing Shay. In the middle of that nightmare we called on everyone to pray. God heard those prayers. On Thursday we were at a critical point in which his heart had to regain strength. A body of believers specifically prayed for the bleeding to stop and a pastor drove from Springfield, Mo to pray over Shay and within hours his heart had regained strength and the bleeding had stopped. Gods provision began when he led Shay's mom to bring him to this hospital where Shay is being treated by the best. Your obedience in prayer is why my nephew is here. Praise God for his willingness to heal Shay and God bless each and everyone of you for your faithfulness in prayer.

The road ahead is a long one so we are asking the you still commit to the complete healing of Shay's body. Please continue to pray for Shay's heart to stay strong and for his lungs and liver. Please check back tonight I really want to share with you how great the students are at Fair Grove. I was going to to do it last night but wanted to wait one more night.


  1. Hey Shay I know you don't know me, but your mom and dad does and my prayers and thoughts are with you each and everyday that you continue to fight and improve. I know you can beat this just keep fighting like you have been. I know you can beat this!! By reading the post you have already showed everyone that your a fighter! I am so glad to hear that you an awesome night and that they are removing the rest of the machines. Hang here there...I will continue to pray for you all..

    Love you all
    Coni Wells

  2. Hey Shay,

    Linda and I pray day and night for your recovery, we send out prayer request to our family and friends too. You hang in there buddy and fight this, I can assure you, God is in your corner with all your team of family and friends in the stands as cheer leaders with our prayers.

    Dear God, there are very few words which could ever come close to describing the immense gratitude we have in our hearts for the love, the encouragement, and the miracles you have provided for Shay, his family and his friends throughout this incredibly trying time.

    Shay has endured more than most would ever see. If anyone deserves to be complexly healed it is Shay. Let us rejoice in Shays revelation of life and for his love of it. Each day spent with the ones we love is a true gift - we are so blessed.


  3. shay, i love you very much. there is power in prayer and today i am so glad to be in okl. with you. keep fighting and we are all here for you.

    love you cousin gary dysart
    springfield mo

  4. Hey ShayBoy!,, I'm so gladd that you are finally sewn back upp now!:) I am at the hospital now with the whole family.. Shay you are always in my prayers. Don't give up shay! I promise I won't give upp.. And I know for sure that God has a MIRACLE in store for you! ILoveYou<3

    With All My Love,

  5. Shay,
    You are truly an inspiration. God is definitely using you to show His mighty power. You are a special person and you have all of Fair Grove on your side. Actually, you have more than just Fair Grove on your side. There are numerous people that only know your name and a little bit of your story praying constantly for you. Most importantly, you have God on your side, never forget that. -Hannah and Lydia

    So funny story, this morning I was praying for you and I suddenly began singing The Final Countdown. Then I began to imagine all of your machines being unhooked and you rising out of bed to surprise your family. Therefore, I have decided that this should be your theme song as you are going to kick this in the rear. Its time to put on the boxing gloves. -Hannah

    We'll keep praying for you. Love you and stuff.. lol, but seriously.
    -Hannah and Lydia Marsh

  6. THIS NEWS MADE MY DAY!!!!! Wish I could express it better in words. I am happy. Still bringing you up in church tomorrow, Shay. God bless you tonight. See you when we see you, Mrs. Pierson
