Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Night

There is really not a lot to report tonight. Shay is still on the vent. They have not made any more attempts at taking him off. Shay continues to be really out of it. We were not able to get much out of him  today. Hopefully tomorrow he will be more alert.


  1. Thought I will fill you in on some details with Shay today. This morning his chest x-ray came back with very good improvement on the right side and they were able to take out the chest tube that was put in on Tuesday. His left lung also showed some improvement, but still has a lot of stuff that needs to clear out. They have taken cultures of the stuff from his lungs to be anylized, they have some concerns that their might be some type of infection in them that his current antibiotics is not effective on. We won't know the results for a while. He continues on the Prisma Dialysis machince that runs continuously and slowly, this machine can also allow them to give fluids if needed (like the past few days) that helps to bring his blood pressue up when it drops due to dehydration. Plans to change him to the hemo-dialysis has been put on hold for now. His liver function isn't showing any signs of improvement at this time.

    I had a long conversation with Shay's daytime nurse today and she explained to me that the infection Shay came in with is very tricky to treat. We can think one minute that everything looks to be under control, then the next minute, something will start showing signs of distress. I think that explains the ups and downs of the past week with Shay's lungs. One minute we thought we were at the point of getting him off the vent, the next minute we are back to square one. I have to say, I wan't prepared for the backslide, and I wasn't prepared for the emotional stress that came with it. I just needed to regroup, and I just want to say, once again, how very grateful I am for all of the support that my entire family has received. It really is what keep us going and keeps us sane.

    Please continue to "Pray for Shay", his lungs, liver and kidneys are in serious need of prayer and God's Miricles. Thank you all and I hope you had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend it with the ones you love.
    Christy (mom)

  2. Christy and Danny, You are doing great. God has created you for just a time as this. He will continue to supply your needs on a daily basis. Jason and I can not begin to fathom the ups and downs you experience each day. Please know we have not grown weary in praying for you guys multiple times each day. Our God is good. He loves Shay and has a specific plan for his life. We are thankful God brought you to Fair Grove and are anxious for the day God brings your whole family back. Grace and peace, my friend.

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for God is with you wherever you go."
    Joshua 1:9

  3. Christy,
    My heart ached for you when we left Friday... I wish there was something I could say or do to help. All I know is to pray for strength for you and Shay. A marathon is not an easy thing... It did kind of put things in prospective when I spoke to the girl staying with the 10yr old 2 rooms down from Shay. Her mother passed away 2 yrs ago and her father is very ill. The older sister is the only one who can stay with the little girl and she had to go home to Altus. At least you are able to be with Shay and he knows how much love and support he has. Tell shay once again we love him and want to see lots of improvement by Christmas if we can't get back before then. Love you Christy,
