Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Talk with the Doctors

Hey, it's Christy again.  Danny and I talked with the Doctors and here is what we know...

Shay did not wake up after his surgery on Monday, this could be due to the fact that when they did the dialysis last night they tested the fluids they pulled off of him and he still had quite a bit of the sedation medicine in his blood, in fact they found that he still had traces of other medicines that they had not given him since Friday.  Shay did have some type of siezure yesterday evening, from the chest down his body was shaking, and after they gave him medicine for siezures, it stopped.  Siezures are not a good sign, but since it was not a typical siezure that is normally seen in these cases, we are hopeful.  The CAT scan done yesterday did not show any swelling in his brain.  Shay made it through today's operation without any real issues.

Game Plan:  We wait.  We wait for Shay to go through about 48 hours on the Prisma Dialysis machine in hopes that the machine will clear most of the medicine from his blood so that he can wake up and the Dr.'s can evaluate his brain function.  We wait to see if he is stable enough to have the MRI done tomorrow.  This would hopefully give us a better picture of just what is going on in that beautiful head of his.  :)  We wait to see if the lower portion of his left lung will heal and re-inflate properly.  The next couple of days are all about waiting.

I think God may be testing our patients on this one, we have nothing to do for the next couple of days but wait, and yes, you guessed it, pray.  God is allowing us time to lift Shay up in prayer once again, and that is exactly what we are asking you all to do.  Pray for Shay's healing, his strength, that God will comfort him through this trying time.  Please pray for Shay.
Thank you all!
Danny & Christy


  1. Danny, Christy, and family,
    We are praying for you ALL. Waiting is so hard. I am a very strong believer in the power of prayer. I have seen the results of the effectual fervent prayers of righteous people. Isn't it wonderful to know that our GOD is in control and that we live for HIM!
    Praise God for His infinite mercies.

    Gigi Hunter
    Fair Grove

  2. We're praying for all of you too...

  3. Thank you for the updates. I have had you on my mind all day. Praying constantly. Smiles from Missouri...

  4. we just had to check on shay one more time before bed....we are still praying for shay and his family. My you all rest easy tonight. Sending you love and prayers from Fair Grove, MO
    Denise Eagleburger, and amber and britt hinton

  5. Shay hang in there you're doing a great job. Ever one at school has been keeping checks on you and hoping you will be home before long. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers!
    to Shay's family my family and I would love to send some things to you guys while ya'll are down there. If you could please send an email to me with the address and a list of things you want we will do our best to send you a box of FG lovings!
    Love always
    Amie Cleeton
    --o my e-mail is

  6. Danny & Chris, I have spent the last couple months reading this blog and checking out the comments. My, my, my, the power of God and love so many people are expressing in these comments give me goosebumps. Just reading them I can feel the awesome power running through me. Its incredible. I know it is helping Shay even more. We are gonna keep this power flowing into him and help him as much as possible. You guys stay strong and the way you two have handled this is a miracle. You guys are AWESOME and my family and I think of your family every minute, everyday. We are very blessed to have the Stallings family as our friends....Love you guys!!!

    Rick,Donna,Tyler and Tanner

  7. Danny & Christy -
    I'm praying that God would head Shay and that you two would feel His overwhelming love and peace.

    I was reminded today of the verse where the angel comes to the shepherds and says "Fear Not". I pray that you would have no fear, that you would be able to entrust Shay to God and rely on Him alone.

    Thank you for being so faithful in updating this blog.

    Jane Keylon

  8. Chris, Danny and Shay,
    Remember that the Lord is walking with you throughout this entire journey. Lean on him and he will bring you through it. All of our prayers and love are with all of you.
    Linda Everhart
