Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holding Steady

There has not been a lot of changes since the last post. The catheter in his stomach tested postive for bacteria that is resistent to the to antiobiotics he is currently on. We are not sure what that means just yet except that that visitors have to wear gowns and gloves when they are in the room. Shay asked again today how long he would be in there and Shay's mom had to explain the rehab process again and one tear fell. Shay's mom said he is doing okay now.

The doctors discussed a bit of a time line with Shay's dad this morning. They said that if things continue to go good Shay could get out of ICU within a couple of weeks. Shay may not be completely off his machines at that point but he could still get out of ICU. Now the discouraging part is that after Shay gets stronger he will be moved to a rehabilitation hospel. They are expecting the stay in rehab to be a couple of months. That was the news that caused Shay to become a little upset. With that being said if I were a betting man I would bet that Shay will rehab a lot quicker than they are expecting but none the less Shay is looking at best case scenerio a couple more months in the hospital. Bummer I know but at this points I fill fortunate to have this problem.


  1. Shay, I just read the post to Allie. She and Christen are "doing homework" in the livingroom. Allie and Christen are a little upset you didn't have the gown action going on when they were there this weekend. They are hoping to get Prom invites and are already looking for that special outfit that wow everyone. They were wondering if you had color options.

    It was so good to see you the other day. I must admit, you had a kind of confussed look on your face when Jason was talking about football. Don't worry, I give him that look all the time. He is use to it. I will see if I can scam some of the final games for you to watch in your room.

    Are you into your new bed yet. I have asked for one of those for Christmas. Seeing as how our fireplace gets turned on with a switch, Santa may have a tough time getting down the chimney.

    I better go, there is an all out cat fight over algebra in the livingroom. "It's 3g+7-49!" "No it's not. The 'g' is to the third." "Yes, it is. It's 3g squared - 21g." "What number are you on?" "That is not what you just told me!" "Yeah, it is!" (I just typed that word for word. God help me!)

    Have a great night in your new bed. We love you.

  2. Hello Shay!

    Today i found a new amazing website!! it is www.mylifeisaverage.com and it is pretty much one of they funniest sites ever!! people just post the funny things that have happened to them and i thought of you! here are some little things from it.

    Today, my 93 year old grandfather came up to me and I gave him a fist bump. He responded by fake-punching me and we got into a mock fistfight. It went on for quite a while until my grandfather held up his hand, made a hissing noise and said, "Pepper spray. I win." I love you, Grandpa. MLIA.

    The other day, my boyfriend and I were walking to our seventh hour class. As we walked down the hallway, some upper-classman shoved my boyfriend, and he, by chain reaction, hit me. Well, I managed to hit a locker. Not realizing it was a locker, I turned and immediately apologized, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! I am so so-... Sorry." I stopped, realizing it was in fact a locker. I remember saying, "Oh... You're a locker... You don't talk..." At which point, no doubt a freshman from inside the locker replies, "Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?" MLIA.

    Yesterday, I was working at my job as a grocery store cashier. One of the regulars comes up to my register with cleaning supplies and a cornish hen. He says, "Quick, scan the hen and put it in a bag before my wife comes up. I'm going to put it in the turkey Thursday and tell her we killed a pregnant turkey!" He then took the hen and hid it. I love my job. MLIA

    Today, I wondered out loud as to why all the boys I know don't want to date me. My eight-year-old brother looked up from his legos and said, "They all run away screaming because you're so pretty they can't stand to be around you." Best. Brother. Ever. MLIA

    Today, me and a group of my friends were all walking opposite ways in the hallway and all wanted to hug so we yelled "GROUP HUG" and the 5 of us hugged. Suddenly, we felt a weight on one side and asked who it was. It was a random guy who walked off all embarrassed after saying "Sorry...I just heard group hug" Thank you, random creeper guy. MLIA

    Today in spanish we were having a fairly large unit test. As I was taking it, I forgot how to say "wake up" and so I put my head down pretending to fall asleep. Sure enough my teacher yelled at me saying "Despierta!". Booyah. MLIA.

    Today, some men whistled at me when I walked down the street. I'm a male. I felt pretty. MLIA

    Today I noticed that the "lol" symbol looks like a drowning guy, and all you see is his head and arms sticking out of the water. I bet he's not laughing out loud anymore. MLIA

    Today, my school voted on senior superlatives. My brother was voted Best Looking. He received ninety percent of the vote, while I received zero votes. We're identical twins. MLIA

    Today, I saw a church sign that said, "Jesus loves the Hell out of you." It made me smile. MLIA

    Today I overheard my sister's jerk boyfriend telling her that after his haircut he is going to look ten times better. My little brother then popped out of nowhere and said, "ten times zero is still a zero". MLIA.

    wow.. thats a lot already. i'll print off a couple pages for you. there is one really really funny one but i can't post it on here... hehe.. okay well i hope these got a couple laughs out of you. i thought they were pretty funny. okay ttyl Shayboy! I MISS YOU!!
