Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Shay in Surgery

Shay has just went into the operating room. Shay experienced some leg twitches over night that appear to be some sort of seizures. The doctors told Danny and Christy that this is an indication that there is probably some brain damage. They are uncertain of the severity. They told Danny and Christy that they would not put Shay on the bypass machine if his hearts stops. So today becomes a very big day. In order to stay in the fight Shay's heart will have to make it through the surgery. I will post after the first update. Pray.


  1. ChristianShayDanielStallings; ShayBoy I Love youu so much! I don't know what i would do without youu! Kidd you keep fighting and i promise,, you will make it through this mess(: Don't give up at all! I know you can do it. I believe you can! And with God,, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! ShayBoy i will keep Praying for youu no matter what! Every second of the day; you can count on me! Just BELIEVE in yourself and I promise good things will happen!

  2. Christian Shay,

    Words couldnt even be enough to say how much I love you. You have brought so much happiness in this world. You are the strongest person I know and I dont know what I would do without you. You have been one of Gods greatest gifts ever since you were born. Looking at your picture on this blog that everyone created for you, just makes me smile and makes me realize the importance of life. It's not about the idols like vanity, time, money, materialistic items. Its about being together with family, praying, being together! God has done so many miracles for you and has kept you strong, he has kept you fighting. He has a plan for you and he knows whats best. I love you so much shay! Hang in there again, I know you can. I am fasting today and am praying non stop.

    I am coming up today. I wish i could have been there more. I love you shay!

