Monday, December 14, 2009

Surgery Update

Shay's surgery will be closer to noon so we will not know have a lot of updates right away. Here is what Shay's mom had to say this morning:

christinestallings said...
Good morning, it has been a long night. Shay really made me work for him last night, every 15 minutes or so, he had me scratching his head or rubbing his feet, he had a little trouble getting comfortable. The surgery has been moved back a little bit so that the Dr.s can do the hemo-dialysis on Shay as well as a bronchial scope to try and see the tear. Just spoke with the surgeon and they are taking him to CAT scan, then doing the dialysis, then the scope and then surgery. We have a busy morning. Please continue to pray for Shay and for the Dr.'s to guide them in helping him. Will keep you posted, God Bless! Christy


  1. Praying here in Red Oak Oklahoma.

    Becky Black

  2. We are thinking of you and your family.I am praying for you every day,I know you are a fighter and God has his hands on you every step of the way.

    Linda and Mike

  3. Praying here in OKC.I'm a friend of a friend of a relative and have been following the blogs for a few weeks.It has me grateful and living one day at a time and I feel like I know you guys and Shay.Will keep praying. Mark

  4. The Groseclose-Stacey Family is praying for you Shay!!! Prayers for your family!!! Stay strong God has you in his hands!!!

  5. Shay, Chris, Dano and all your families. we believe in the greatest healer of all and put our faith in his power. We at the Paden Freewill Baptist Church continue to pray for healing for Shay and we ask God to wrap his loving arms around each of you and comfort you and give you added strength. May God Bless each of you in a special way. We love you and will continue to lift you up in our prayers.
