Sunday, December 13, 2009

Emergency Surgery

Well the string of good days have come to an end and we have our backs to the wall again. I am going to do my best to explain what is going on but I don't have a firm grasp so I am sure Shay's mom may blog a response later that will provide more insight.

Things looked good this morning with his liver and kidneys but he was having a very hard time breathing. Shay's dad said he did not look good and was really laboring in his breathing. His latest X-Ray on his lungs showed that there was a tear in his lung. Shay will be going back down to the operating room in the morning. They are going to open him up and see what can be done. The doctors informed Shay's parents this morning that there is a chance they may have to remove part of the lung or worst case scenario all of his lung. I don't know if that is tomorrow or over time. This is obviously another major setback and we pray that God will see Shay through yet another major hurdle. Shay is a fighter but we are growing  concerned about the number of  procedures. Please be in prayer for Shay tomorrow as he undergoes surgery.I am understanding this situation to be very critical. My sister just told me that they were not allowed in the room to see Shay because his mom was not there. Typically they have been very open with incoming guests so I was a little taken back by that. Shay also has a high fever and his vitals have been unstable today. Thank you for the continued prayer.


  1. Hey Shay! I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I love and miss you bunches.
    Your favorite cousin:) :) Macey

  2. Shay- :)
    I have to S's on my wrist in permanent marker -sharpie- all for you. I know pastor Kevin and Bryan the youth director are coming down to see you. I pray for you every night. I also pray for the burdens of your mother, father, and brother to be lifted of their shoulders. I pray that they will rejoice and turn you over to God. I pray you all do not have bitterness with God. For all is in his hands. I've hoped to see you over and over again, but I can not now but I pray every night that soon we can be together again, just like old times. At the house we had dinners, wiffle ball,and laughs.I wish that those days could be redone and you were back here lighting up our house right now. I try to be joyful with the Lord but sometimes I fall short of that, I am depressed, our house has no life with out you. Another Friday will come and go but this Friday just like the last you will be in our hearts. We will donate a dollar or more just for you, no one else! Right now there are many people out there hurting or morning and let me tell you buddy you are the only one of them that I would give a dollar to wear a hat. I also know that you never know when some will be gone to Oklahoma for awhile and let me tell you this Shay, I break down every time I think of you being six hours away from me. But I will find a way to rejoice that God is with you and me! I love it when I think that every day is a day closer to you. I can't tell you how much I miss you or love. Words can not describe those things. I count the days till I see you again.

    :)Haley(: <3 <3 <3
    P.S. Be joyful and rejoice in the Lord! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <3 <3 <3

  3. Well, Shay has had a rough day as Chris mentioned above. Really don't know much more. Apparently he has a large hole or tear in his left lung. This is the lung that has been so filled with fluid all of this time. The Dr. thinks that the thick goopy stuff he has had in his lung was actually acting like a patch for the hole and now that he has gotten a lot of that stuff out, the patch is gone and the air they are pumping into his lung is coming right back out through the larger chest tube they inserted this morning. This is pretty signifigant, the water in the box where stuff drains to from the tube is bubbling like boiliing water, this tells them, along with the x-ray's that the hole is large.

    Shay will be getting hemo-dialysis early this morning and some other proceedures before going to surgery so they can get them completed and out of the way. Right now, he is scheduled to be the first surgery in the morning. Our goal tonight is to keep his blood pressue up and stable with medicine, to keep him as comfortable and as stable as possible until morning.

    Please continue to pray for Shay's healing. I know that God hasn't brought us this far just to call him home, he's got a plan for him still. Thank you all for your continued support for our entire family. I will keep everyone posted through the blog tomorrow.
    God Bless you all!

  4. I am praying. I don't even know this young man, but I feel I have gotten to know his character through this blog and his Aunt Kelly's updates. I have tears just running over now and I know it comes from being so disappointed at this latest setback. I have a seventeen year old daughter here in Rogersville and cannot imagine the pain your family is going through. We are praying for you and hoping for a positive outcome tomorrow. I know God can do miracles, he has done several already and heard prayers over the past few weeks. Know that you all are in my heart and we are praying.

    Tammy Hodges

  5. Hey Shay, I was having trouble getting to sleep so I thought I would bug you. I just wanted you to know how amazing I think you are. You have to be the toughest kid I know. I am so proud of how hard you have been fighting and with your thumb up. I love and miss you so much buddy! I will continue to pray that God will heal you and bring you back to Fair Grove soon. I can not wait to see you on Friday, still counting down the days:). I love you.

    Aunt Kelly

  6. Dear Lord, I pray that you will be with Shay and his family. I pray that youwill give Shay's body the strength it needs durning the surgery. I pray that you will help the doctors durning the surgery to make the best decisions for Shay's lungs. I pray that you will heal Shay lungs and the rest of his organs, so he can return home. Lord we love you and know you are all powerful and I am so glad Shay will be in your arms tomorrow durning surgery. We love you Lord, you are a mighty God. Thanks for all our blessing. Amen

  7. Good morning, it has been a long night. Shay really made me work for him last night, every 15 minutes or so, he had me scratching his head or rubbing his feet, he had a little trouble getting comfortable.

    The surgery has been moved back a little bit so that the Dr.s can do the hemo-dialysis on Shay as well as a bronchial scope to try and see the tear. Just spoke with the surgeon and they are taking him to CAT scan, then doing the dialysis, then the scope and then surgery. We have a busy morning. Please continue to pray for Shay and for the Dr.'s to guide them in helping him.
    Will keep you posted, God Bless!
